Geneva Soap Box Derby
The Geneva All Americn Soap Box Deby is having an Official All American Soap Box Derby Local Race for the Stock Division only. Boys and girls, ages 7 - 13, who compete must use Official AASBD cars that pass AASBD specifications. At the end of the day Geneva will have their All American Soap Box Derby Local Champion who is automatically invited to Akron, Ohio for the World Championship race in July.
You will want to attend an information meeting to understand the process of purchasing a car and what is expected of all racers and car handlers. After that you will need to purchase your stock car and attend a construction meeting(clinic) where the process of car construction will be gone over in detail. You will need to register to participate in the Geneva Local race. Participants must live in Kane County and comply with AAASBD rules and regulations. We also suggest looking for potential sponsors to help underwrite the costs on your racer. Have a fun building experience and good luck on the track!