FirstEnergyAll-American Soap Box Derby Countdown

New car loan program:

The Kansas City Soap Box Derby has cars available to loan out to drivers who are not yet ready to buy their own car. We will not charge rent, but race registration fees must be paid for at the time of loan/rental. The driver can use club weights, wheels and helmets. The driver can take the car home or store it at the track. The driver may do anything to the car within the rules. Any improvements made to the car are at the driver’s expense and stay with the car. The car must be returned after any races that have been paid for unless he/she have been given permission by the club. Weights must be removed from the car upon return. The driver must set up the car prior to the Friday night before the race. (This can be done at an open track night, or by appointment, or with your derby mentor.)

Contact our Derby Director, Tim Roth, at 816-665-7007 for information about borrowing a soap box derby car.

Tips & Tutorials

Getting Ready to Race & Driving Tips

Race Day Tips

Tune Up Tips

What Happens on Race Day
