FirstEnergyAll-American Soap Box Derby Countdown

Registration Info

Rally Races -

Registration Fee:  $35.00/race  or all four in the weekend for $125

(Saturday & Sunday-2 races; 1 double elimination & 1 single elimination) 

Rally Registration Form


Championship Race -

Super Kid Registration Fee: $50.00 

Stock/Super Stock/Masters Registration Fee: $60.00 

Registration Closed May 25, 2019 

Registration Form - Local Race

Supplemental Information

Registration Form - Super Kids Local Race

 Superkids Doctors Release

Rules for the Sertoma Mile High Soap Box Derby Races 

  • Minimum Age:  Must be 7 or older by June race date
  • Maximum Age:  Must be 20 or younger on July 20, 2019 
  • Proof of age is required 
  • Must have All American Soap Box Derby (AASBD) & Sertoma Mile High Soap Box Derby (SMHSBD) release waivers signed 
  • Must have registration and Driver history forms completed 
  • Must have paid entry fee:
  • Champions and runner-ups in all divisions must meet with Race Director immediately following the race 


  • AASBD rules and specifications will be strictly adhered to 

  • Car must be built from a Stock or Super Stock car kit from AASBD 

  • Car must be built by driver with adult supervisor 

  • Race will be a double elimination format; each heat consists of 2 phases – 

    • phase 1 wheel swap will occur;

    • phase 2, cars swap lanes and wheels;

    • the lowest combined time of both phases is the heat winner 
  • A coin will be flipped before the first phase to determine which two wheels will be swapped; after the first phase all 4 wheels will swapped for the second phase 

  • No one may be on the track at any time, excluding race officials

  • Stay out of the run out area located at the finish line

  • Wheel pins should be inserted from the front 

  • No one rides on the return trailer

  • Car numbers are assigned by random selection at initial inspection 

  • Car number will be installed just behind the cockpit opening on the rear on each side and on each wheel. Car number signifies that it passed initial inspection

  • Car number defines starting heat and lane according to the official AASBD Heat Chart (odd numbers in lane #1; even numbers in lane #2)

  • No tools or lubricants are allowed in the pit area or line-up area during the race

  • No liquids of any type other than water will be allowed in the pit area

  • If a car problem occurs, repairs are to be made in a designated area under the supervision of an inspector

  • Officials observing any questionable actions may require a re-weigh and inspection

  • No alcoholic beverages are allowed anywhere

Inspection of Cars:

  • A preliminary inspection will occur about three weeks prior to race weekend 

  • Race weekend all cars will be inspected when they are delivered by the participant 

  • Cars are impounded after passing final inspection 

  • No modifications or adjustments may be made after final inspection 

  • Closely follow Stock or Super Stock checklist of car plans 

  • Paint only the exterior on super stock cars 

  • Don’t cover body screws or nuts 

  • Properly install cotter pins 

  • Steering must turn in proper direction 

  • Brakes work; brake pads fresh 

  • Weights placed per plans, painted, secured and numbered 

  • Car and driver may be no more than 15 lbs tail heavy 

  • No loose or removable items are to be in the car 

  • Have all sponsor decals mounted in the correct places; keep nose clear of decals, stickers, etc. 

  • Pay attention to “prohibited assembly” 

  • All parts must have been provided by AASBD 

  • Only Z-glass wheels may be used 

  • Wheels may be lubricated but it is recommended that they not be lubricated (wheels will be flushed with lighter fluid at time of first wheel swap by official) 

  • Weight may be added to the car; all weight must be fixed in place and firmly attached 

  • Car and driver will be weighed together; total weight may not exceed 200 lbs for Stock and 230 lbs for Super Stock 

  • Chief Inspector rulings are final 


  • Wear long pants or shorts, your Derby t-shirt, shoes and helmet 

  • Must stay in your lane, try not to make sudden corrections; if you cross the center line, or interfere with the other car in any way, you may lose that phase 

  • Judges are positioned along the track to observe driver performance 

  • Apply brakes in short bursts after crossing the finish line 

  • You and your pit crew will do the wheel swap 

  • Stay by your car while waiting for your next phase 

  • If you are not ready to go when your car is loaded on the starting ramp, you may lose that phase 

  • You must sit or lean forward at all times while driving.  You may not change position from where you were weighed in the car 

  • You are not to duck down “below the line of sight” or you might lose that phase 

  • All drivers are required to attend the drivers meeting at 7:30 am at the bottom of the hill on race day 

  • An attempt to gain an unfair advantage over a competitor will subject the guilty to possible disqualification    

Starting Ramps and the Track

  • Starting ramps are used for all phases 

  • Each lane is to be equal width 

  • All cars must have the outside wheels located within the ramp tape 

  • Cars will be set by the car’s handler, ramp directors will not touch the vehicle 

  • No rags or cleaning of any type is permitted when the car is on any part of the ramp 

  • Wiping of the wheels, repositioning of wheels is not permittedwhen the car is on any part of the ramp 

  • Starter will call for the area to be cleared.  Handler must move away from the car immediately Ramp director will inspect for cars being located within the edges of the tape and assist in the brake inspection 

  • Ramp director will ask driver when they are ready and give starter a signal 

  • Starter will use a numeric countdown and pull lever 

  • Driver may not be “rocking” or moving forward during the start 

Protests and Appeals:

  • Any protest or appeal must be made before the start of the second phase of a race or within 15 minutes following the completion of the second phase.  Verbal notice is to be given to the official at the starting ramps 

  • A jury of 3 judges will rule on any protest. The judges will consist of members of the Rules Committee.  No participating member will have any family participating in the race. The Committee can solicit expert opinion.  Their decision will be final 


If rain prevents the race from continuing to a finish (it is deemed unsafe and/or there is a direct threat of lightening) the driver in the winner’s bracket with the fastest heat time will be awarded the championship.