FirstEnergyAll-American Soap Box Derby Countdown


New Rule Changes For 2015-2016 AASBD Racing Season


The International Soap Box Derby announced rule changes that will go into effect immediately for the 2015-2016 FirstEnergy All-American Soap Box Derby racing season.

The Board of Directors ratified the rule changes at a recent meeting.

The rule changes, including the prior rules, are listed below:

1. A clarification on what parts of a car can be re-used. A new rule was added that states a Masters shell can be used an unlimited number of times by any racer.

Current rule:
A-7.08 Once a car has participated in an AASBD World Championship Race, no part of the car, except for the wheels, is permitted to race in another sanctioned Local, Rally or AASBD World Championship Race by another participant.

New Rule:
A-7.08 Once a Stock car has participated in an AASBD World Championship race as a Local Champ the floorboard and shell can no longer be used in a sanctioned Soap Box Derby Local race. Once a Stock car has participated twice in an AASBD World Championship race as a Rally Champ the floorboard and shell can no longer be used in a sanctioned Soap Box Derby Rally race.

Once a Super Stock car has participated in an AASBD World Championship race as a Local Champ the floorboard and shell can no longer be used in a sanctioned Soap Box Derby Local race. Once a Super Stock car has participated twice in an AASBD World Championship race as a Rally Champ the floorboard and shell can no longer be used in a sanctioned Soap Box Derby Rally race.

A Masters shell can be used an unlimited number of times by any racer. Once a Masters car has participated in an AASBD World championship race as a Local Champ the floorboard can no longer be used in a sanctioned Local Soap Box Derby race. However, the floorboard can be used an unlimited number of times on a Masters car participating in a sanctioned Soap Box Derby Rally Program.

2. A racer is now allowed to change divisions in a season and they will not forfeit points.

Current Rule:
C-14.02 A participant is permitted one divisional change per AASBD Racing Season.

C-14.03 Should a participant change divisions, all points accumulated in the original base
division will be forfeited and points awarded thereafter will begin to accrue in the new
division. See exception Rule C-15.

C-14.04 Any subsequent change to either a third division or back to the original base division will automatically render that participant to the Non-Point Earner Status for the
remainder of the AASBD Racing Season (see Rule C-16).

C-14.05 A change in division shall be defined as racing, or attempting to race, in any division other than the division of record.

New Rule:
C-14.02 Should a racer change divisions, he/she will accumulate points in the new division with no change to the points already accumulated in the base division. Points in multiple divisions will accumulate throughout the official Rally racing season. Points in all divisions will reset to zero at the start of a new Rally racing season.

C-14.03 The racer must choose a single division in which they will race during the All American World Championship if the racer qualifies in more than one rally division. The racer is responsible for notifying the All American Soap Box Derby office of their World Championship division choice by May 31 each year. Points in the non-chosen division do not carry over into the next Rally racing season.